Hope For Living

Everything Christians go through in this broken world is meaningless, unless they are looking forward to something. Something must keep them going. Something must hold them down. Something must anchor their souls in the midst of all the trials and suffering. They received this when they were born again—born into the family of God. Listen […]

The Beauty of Fellowship

Loving Jesus means loving His people—His body. It is impossible to love Jesus and not show that love in how we love, build and serve others who have believed in Him. However messy it can get, and however heavy such commitment may make of us, we are called to it. This week David Hill shared […]


Money. It is the trickiest of friends. We are quick to see how others love money and are driven by greed, but absolve ourselves of same. As far as we are concerned, we are simply “making money”. So we ask, “Is it bad to make money?”. Listen, as Sam Boateng admonishes us from God’s word, […]

Generosity and Ministry

Applying generosity to ministry may be limited, by most of us, to the giving of money for gospel work. But generosity in ministry applies to our attitude towards others: those who do not seem to be with us because of how different they may be from us, or, those who oppose us head-on. Listen, as […]

Generosity Is Wise Living

This Sunday, still in our series in Generosity, we learn from Proverbs the wisdom for handling wealth. The wisdom teacher has words for those who find security in riches. Do riches really give the security they seem to promise? From all ills? All danger? Even death? Poverty is not any better. It is destructive and […]

The Grace of Generosity

What is the difference between a Christian’s giving, and the generosity of any other person out of sheer ‘goodness’? What outstanding thing is evidence of God’s work in our hearts so much that we have given ourselves completely to Him? Generosity. In today’s message, Rev. Sam Boateng highlights Paul’s own making of the Macedonians as […]

The Generous God

Is God only a recipient of what we give? Has He commanded us to be what He Himself is not? In today’s sermon, Rev Sam Boateng shows us in Scripture, God’s own generosity. Generosity began with Him, and His generosity is what keeps us; from sinners damned by His judgement, to sons and daughters covered […]

The Tabernacle of God

“…that they may worship Me”. This was the reason the Lord God delivered the Israelites from Egypt. But how can a sinful people see a holy God and live? Yes, worship they must offer, but there must be a way to meet God and not die. That, God Himself will provide. Listen as Rev Sam […]

Prayer To The Merciful God

What will be God’s answer if we asked Him to show us His glory? To show us what he looks like; something of His nature? The Lord will show His back to Moses, for, He explains, “… no man shall see my face, and live”. In today’s message, Rev Sam Boateng shares God’s refreshing, yet […]

Colossians 2:6-23

Christians are to engage their cultures with the Gospel and be a light in it. The other way happens too — the cultures we live in will attempt to engage us in deceptive ways. In today’s sermon, Zwai Zulu admonishes us with Paul’s exhortation for the church in Colossae whose faith are being challenged with […]

Our Golden Calf

The Israelites turn away from the Lord in the absence of Moses. They created a golden calf for themselves to worship. Our hearts are constantly churning out idols. Sam Boateng walks us through Exodus 32, exhorting us on the need to guard our hearts from the idols we seek for assurance.

Holy Name

What does it mean to misuse the Name of the Lord, or to take it vain? Is it a matter of frequency, manner or heart? God’s character, His reputation and statutes are called to play at His Name. From this sermon on the third commandment, Ps Ameyaw shows the ways we, as God’s people, bearing […]

False gods, False Worship

It is intriguing that the first two of the 10 Commandments have to do with worship. Worship. We all worship something, and if that ‘other’ is not the LORD, then we are guilty of idolatry. In the commandments 1 and 2, God commands worship for Himself, and in the proper way. Listen as Ps Mensah […]

A Song of Victory

After the Lord delivered His people from Pharaoh and his chariots, they will sing! Sing! Singing does something to us. It lifts our spirits in times of feasting, and in times of sorrow or confusion, it can seem to help make sense of what we are feeling. This Sunday, Solomon Kyeremah Darko walks us through […]

Fear Not, For God Fights For You

What story is so pivotal in your family history, that it is told over and over again? For the Israelites, the deliverance God brought them from the hand of Pharaoh through the Red Sea is that story. In this sermon, Keith Miller encourages us from God’s word on looking to God and holding on to […]

Peter’s Denial of the Lord: A Gospel View of Our Failures as Christians

Have you ever failed someone you really admire? Or ever had someone you hold in very high regard express their disappointment with your actions? That feeling can be crushing, and can leave you wanting to either do anything to “appease” them, or hide when you meet them. In this sermon, Rev Canon Amoafo shares from […]

The Secret to Overcoming Temptation

Everyday, we have to choose between wisdom and foolishness, light and darkness, life and death. Temptation can come with a quest for new adventure or a lure to relive memories; a longing to fulfil desires, or a hook on a naive, unguarded heart. Today, Rev Gottfried Osei-Mensah, speaks on how Jesus contrasts Adam and Eve […]

I am the Lord your God – Knowing and Walking with God

As God works to bring His people out of Egypt, they will know Him in a unique way — a God to whom they belong; a God who belongs to them. Their God. Pharaoh will know Him too through “mighty acts of judgements”. He will know Him as the Lord. Listen, as Rev. Mensah Ameyaw […]

Sin and Jesus The God-Man

Sin. We do it. We feel it inside us. We see it play out in others. Our world is wrecked by it. The Bible tells us sin is breaking of God’s Law; actions deserving of God’s judgement and punishment. But sin is also the state of our hearts, and our very nature. In this part […]

Oneness With Christ Changes Everything (John 6:54-58)

What happened to me when Jesus died? What does the Bible mean when it says I died with Christ? Or that I have been made alive with Him? This Sunday, we listened to God’s Word telling us we have been made ONE with Christ. “In Him”, so it is described. Listen, as Rev Sam Boateng […]

Speaking God To Your Soul in Stressful Times (Psalm 42)

On our Family and Friends Sunday, we touched base with the Psalmist, walking through his 42nd Psalm. In it, we had the opportunity to experience the writer’s feelings of aloneness and grim in the midst of life’s struggles. Have we not also felt forsaken even when the Lord was near, or drowned ourselves in voices […]

Acts 27:13-32 – The Storms of Life: The Gospel For All In Our City

Some seasons of our lives feel like a storm — overwhelming, tough, and out of our control. Why do we have such stormy times? Should we expect more of them in our lives or spend time praying that they are averted? As we edge towards the end of our journey through the book of Acts, […]

Acts 26:15-27 – The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

What would be your defence if you were placed on trial for believing in Jesus Christ, and death was a possible penalty? From Acts 26:15-27, Rev Sam Boateng spoke on Paul’s trial before King Agrippa. Paul has been weaving his defence around the Gospel, even on this knife-edge. And now, using his own encounter with […]

Acts 26:2-23 – The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

From Acts 26:2-23, our brother Tim Swain speaks on Paul’s trial before King Agrippa. His personal encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus has been the backbone of much of his ministry, and is forming the basis of what he will say in his defence now. Tim will continue to share his own testimony […]

Acts 17:16-34 – The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

This Sunday, Matt Reagan (a visiting brother from Campus Outreach in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA) hopped onto the Acts train and shared God’s Word with us from Chapter 17. Here, Paul is in Athens. His interaction with the people, their religion and culture, and how he applies the Gospel to them is beautiful! From […]

Acts 16:1-34 – The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

Our walk through the book of Acts has landed us in Chapter 16. Paul, together with Timothy, is in Macedonia after being prevented by the Holy Spirit from preaching the Gospel in Asia. There, in the city of Philippi, they engage with three people: Lydia, a worshipper of God, a demon-possessed slave girl, and the […]

The Gospel For All

Sometimes the Gospel can feel too simple. “Am I really saved only by believing in Jesus and His work on my behalf? Don’t I have to do anything to deserve being saved?” In today’s sermon, we wrestle through the matter of salvation by faith alone. Rev. Sam Boateng walks us through the experience of the […]

Who Gets The Glory?

What do we do when our hearts want to take credits for what God does? What are our motivations for the things we want to achieve in life and even in our walk with the Lord? Is our chief ambition to see God take all the glory there is or to prove something of ourselves? […]

The Gospel According to Paul

From Acts 13, Rev. Mensah Ameyaw walks us through Paul’s first sermon after his conversion. Paul points to Jewish history, contrasting the slavery of Israelites in Egypt with our sinful condition. He will go on to present Jesus as the Redeemer-King, unjustly crucified by the very people He came to save, but whom God raised […]

The Church At Antioch

Our journey through the book of Acts brings us to Antioch. The Gospel is getting to the Gentiles! Persecution-scattered Jewish disciples took the Gospel with them as they fled, preaching to non-Jews in the corrupt, vile and hostile city of Antioch. And many believed and turned to the Lord. The hand of the Lord worked […]

Acceptance By God

What would make God accept me? What should I say or do to make Him come to me? Am I even worthy of His acceptance? In ACCEPTANCE BY GOD, Rev Mensah Ameyaw explores the narrative of how the conversion of Cornelius and his household can ‘convert’ our thinking of how God accepts a person. It […]

The Gospel To All People

Our journey through the book of Acts continues! Something remarkable happens in chapter 9 : the Lord makes a witness out of a ‘fire-breathing’ persecutor of His church – Paul. God’s foe becomes His friend! Rev. Sam Boateng helps us conclude that no one is beyond the salvation and transforming power of the Lord, and […]

Acts 8:26-40 – The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

In today’s sermon, we traced the journey of a ‘scattered witness’, Philip, and his interaction with an African. Rev. Boateng spoke on how it was the Lord’s Spirit orchestrating and leading the move, enabling relationships and sparking gospel conversations. We, the church of today, must follow The Spirit’s lead as we plan and strategise on […]

Authentic or Fake? — The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

Is my faith genuine? Is Jesus what I really want? From Acts 8:1-25, we see the faith of Simon, a sorcerer turned believer. Rev Ameyaw helps us appreciate what seems to be a change in outward living, but not a change of heart, while drawing applications for our lives today.

The Gospel To All: Insiders and Outsiders

Our journey through the book of Acts is taking a new turn. This week, we began the series, “The Gospel to All: Insiders and Outsiders”. In this first episode, Rev. Boateng sheds light on how the disciples will be witnesses of the Lord, “…even to the ends of the earth”. Persecution will become a tool […]

The Comfort of the Cross

On Resurrection Sunday, reflecting on what the resurrection of our Lord Jesus means for us, Rev. Boateng exhorts: Jesus’ love for us, displayed in His death and resurrection, has becoming a compelling force of life. We are raised with Him to a new kind of life! Main text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

The Lord of Justice Comes

God has and will exact justice in the world He created. In “The Lord of Justice Comes”, Rev. Boateng reminds us of how God exacted justice against the sin of this world on the cross. Jesus bore the penalties of sin. He also encourages us to look forward to the Lord’s final Day with hope, […]